Hello! I am a civil engineering graduate working in a building and facility management software company Planon at their Hyderabad, India office. I am a full stack developer currently building an IoT product for smart buildings. Before joining Planon, I worked in TCS in the product development teams of Tools Group, Small & Medium Businesses and GIS & IoT units. I also worked as research assistant to Dr Surendra Nadh Somala while pursuing M.Tech at IIT Hyderabad. I am proficient in developing software applications, building APIs using JAVA programming and interested in using technology for solving engineering problems. When I am not working, you can see me either playing chess, reading non-fiction books, enjoying music, debating with friends or dancing.
This blog site is basically my knowledge repository. You can expect to read researched articles or opinion pieces majorly about Information Technology, Data Science, Sustainability, Environment, Disaster Management, and Telugu Literature. I also want to read more and write about good books (at least once a month :P) that I read. Everything Else is the category you should look for if you want to know more about me.