Where there’s a will there’s a way !!! We all know this saying from our school days.Giving it a thought, I asked myself about the times when I have showcased the fight back attitude in my life. Although, I have an answer, I looked at the impact of my answer which frankly is not so…
It was in December of 2005, when TCS CEO Mr. N Chandrasekaran with his then Latin American Head Gabriel Rozman were chosen for a trip to Galapagos Islands. The islands that has provided a base for Charles Darwin’s Theory of natural selection:Species that adapt to their environment have a better chance of survival. It was…
I am so incredibly tired of checking pound after pound of junk mails daily. Interestingly, a day has come when I saw a mail with a subject line having this strange question that immediately seized my attention. I was curious about knowing the content of the mail and found it is no where different from…
While entire world this weekend might have planned to takes few sessions on how to train their dragons. I asked myself what-if I “do not” have one.I felt I should have multiple answers, but I found an interesting one. I starting my expeditions to answer and like others started reading about this fantasy story…